
Graduation Information

Southern Crescent Technical College’s graduation ceremony is scheduled at the end of Spring Term.  Students should meet with their program advisor before completing the graduation application.

Prior to graduation, each degree, diploma, or certificate student must:

  • Achieve regular program admission status for program.
  • Complete all program curriculum requirements.
  • Earn a graduation grade point average of 2.0 or higher in their program of study.
  • Be in good academic standing with Southern Crescent Technical College.
  • Submit a Graduation Application(for a degree, diploma, or certificate) with the advisor’s signature at least one term prior to completion to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Settle all financial obligations with Southern Crescent Technical College, including the appropriate graduation fee.

Application to Graduate  (Note: In order to fill in the digital signature field electronically, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available for free at:


  • The application processing fee is $40.00 is non refundable and payable to the Business Office at the time a student submits an Application to Graduate. This fee will cover the cost of graduation activities and processing of the degree/diploma or technical certificate of credit.
    • Students planning to participate in the ceremony must pay an additional fee for regalia which is payable to Scholastic Images.
  • The $40 graduation processing fee is good for one year from the date of payment, and for the current program(s) of study when the Graduation Application is submitted. Any subsequent program(s) a student graduates from will be subject to another non-refundable $40 processing fee.
  • Technical Certificate of Credit students are now allowed to participate in the ceremony.
  • For commencement details, monitor your 十大网赌平台推荐 student email account.
  • For commencement questions, contact the Registrar at

Apply for Graduation

Dear Graduate:

Congratulations! You are scheduled to complete the requirements for a credential in your chosen field. In order to verify your status as a Graduate, you must:

  • Complete the Application to Graduate (Note: In order to fill in the digital signature field electronically, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available for free at:
  • Submit your completed Application to your Program Advisor for completion
  • Students submitting a graduation application must pay the $40 processing fee to the Cashier before the posted deadline.  Students planning to participate in the ceremony, must pay an additional fee for regalia which is payable to Scholastic Images.  
  • Technical Certificate of Credit students are now allowed to participate in the ceremony.
  • Submit completed Application to the Registrar’s office in person or at
  • Complete the online mandatory graduation workshop/senior seminar. Email the Registrar’s office at for information regarding the workshop.